Hi, I’m Shauna HArris.

Thank you for visiting my website. I hope today finds you peaceful and playful. If not, Reiki can help with that. Who am I? I am called Mama by two amazing boys and I am married to the kindest human I know. We live in an old farmhouse in Crawford, GA. I’m a ceramic artist, making functional pieces that I sell and gift locally. I’m a musician, a whiz in the kitchen, a gardener, a houseplant collector, a sister and a friend… for starters. Reiki has been calling to me for a decade and I, time and time again, ignored the call. I listened to the voices in my head that told me I wasn’t enough (liars!). Life got busy raising kids and 1,000 other excuses I told myself. Then, suddenly my life was in great need of healing and I turned to Reiki to heal myself. That decision led me on the path that led me here. I found the tools I needed to heal myself, found an incredible teacher and I became certified Usui/Holy fire III / First, Second and Third Degree Reiki Master Practitioner so that I may continue my personal healing and give the gift of Reiki to others. Whoever you are, whatever your path is, I am here to help. You can heal. You can rewrite your story, your own song.